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Confluence Cloud for Slack (Official)

works with Confluence Cloud



  • Partner Supported


Showing details for Cloud

Key highlights of the appHave one place to stay up to date on the work that's happening in Confluence straight from your Slack Channel

Fine-tuned Slack notifications

Ditch the email inbox and get your Confluence notifications in Slack so you never miss important @mentions, comments, or page updates again.

Interact with content without leaving Slack

Move work forward without ever leaving Slack by liking, watching, starring, and commenting on pages right from notifications and content previews in Slack

Meaningful content previews

Turn raw Confluence links into meaningful content your team can discuss with automatic previews of pages, blogs, and comments when you share their links in Slack

More details

The Confluence Cloud app for Slack gives you one place to stay up to date on the work that's happening in Confluence straight from your Slack channel. Keep interactions with your team productive with contextual and actionable notifications.

With the app your team can:

  • Customize and receive granular notifications to stay on top of changes across your spaces, pages (even child pages!), and blogs in Confluence
  • See link previews of pages, blogs, and comments when you share them with your team in your channel
  • Take action on content such as replying to a comment or liking a page without ever leaving Slack


Privacy and Security

Privacy and security questionnaire has not been filled by the partner

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is applicable to the use of this app.

Atlassian privacy policy

Security program

This app is part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

About Bug Bounty program

Version information

Version 1.0for Confluence Cloud

Release date
Aug 31st 2018
This is the initial release of the Confluence Cloud app for Slack

The 1.0 release of Confluence Cloud for Slack allows you to easily set up granular notifications for your Slack channels, preview links of Confluence content, and take actions directly from Slack.

Payment model
License type
Atlassian Closed-Source