Duplicate Page Titles (Same Page Titles)
- Supported
Allows the creation of pages with the same title within a space. Re-use page titles to create standardised page structures
Publish pages regardless of the title
You are now able to create pages that have the same title as previously created pages. This makes it possible to form a common page structure.
Consistent tree structures now possible
During a regular Confluence view of the page, the prefix will be hidden. Now you are able to re-use page titles and therefore create standardised page structures.
One place for your documentation
Stop searching across email, Google Drive, and Word folders and start finding what you need. Keep code reviews, requirements, release notes and more in Confluence, where they are organised in one place.
More details
Allows the creation of pages with the same title within a space. Re-use page titles to create standardised page structures
- Solves https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-2524 (Enable creation of same-named pages within a space) and others
With this feature, page names can be re-used in the hierarchy and navigation will be improved because there will no longer be the need to add the parent name as prefix which creates long and redundant "breadcrumbs" and page titles, e.q.:
Current unique name restriction
- Dashboard > Q&A Testing Team > Q&A Testing Team Status Report
- Dashboard > Development Team > Development Team Status Report
With Dublicate Page Title for Confluence
- Dashboard > Q&A Testing Team > Status Report
- Dashboard > Development Team > Status Report
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