mO OAuth/OpenID Connect (OIDC) for Bamboo SSO

for Bamboo Server 8.0.0 - 9.4.4, Bamboo Data Center 8.0.0 - 9.6.1 and more
24 installs

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Version 1.0.21Bamboo Server 8.0.0 - 9.4.4

Released: Dec 5th 2023


New Features | Bug Fix


New Feature:

  • Implemented an auto-login feature that enables users to seamlessly log into the application if they already have an active session in the Identity Provider (IDP).

Bug Fixes:

  • Bug fix for filtering groups for the user in On the Fly group mapping.
  • Bug fix for the SSO button not getting displayed sometimes after logout
  • Some UI improvements for a smooth user experience.