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Timesheet Export for Jira

by Wruff
works with Jira Cloud



  • Partner Supported

Showing details for Cloud

Key highlights of the appTime tracking spreadsheet exports for Excel & Google Drive, plus time tracking for next-gen projects

The quickest & easiest way to access tracked time

Timesheet Export can export time tracking data from any Jira project. With 2 clicks, all the tracked time is exported as a CSV spreadsheet. That way, you can work with the software you already know. No learning curves!

Ultimate flexibility with JQL

Export from projects or use JQL. Filter by user or time range. Choose which fields to export. By having your time tracking data as a spreadsheet, you are not limited in the reports & charts that you are able to create.

Export logged time as spreadsheets

Exports from Timesheet Export are produced in CSV format. They are compatible with almost any spreadsheet software, including Microsoft Excel and Google Drive.

More details

Timesheet Export for Jira allows you to analyze time tracking data from your Jira projects in your favourite spreadsheet software. From the Reports section in any Jira project, you can access a report for exporting worklogs data in CSV format.


Privacy and Security

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Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

Security program

This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Integration permissions

Timesheet Export for Jira integrates with your Atlassian product

Version information

Version 1.1.22-ACfor Jira Cloud

Release date
Aug 16th 2021
Minor version update
Minor version update
Payment model
Paid via Atlassian
License type