Agile Hive | SAFe Structure ART PI Planning Roadmaps
- Supported
- Jira
Agile at Scale, Scaled Agile Framework, Align Planning Intervals, Portfolio, Solution Trains, Risk, Objectives, WSJF, Dependencies
PI Planning & Digital ART Planning Boards
Always up to date: Automatically updated Planning Board
Data from Breakout Boards are displayed on Program Board
Drag & drop issues to Breakout Board or Backlog
SAFe terminology - use features instead of epics
Visualize Dependencies
Easily visualize and manage dependencies across all teams - Breakout Board, Planning Board and Roadmap
Identify and react to critical dependencies with color coding
Visualize features and other ART issues as swimlanes
All your SAFe reports in one place
Safe time - automated reports on all SAFe levels
View ARTs, team members, statistics, objectives, risks
Burn-up chart - perfect overview of progress, scope changes and forecast
Switch through PIs and view historical data
More details
Seibert is SAFe® Platform Partner & has developed Agile Hive together with Germany’s leading SAFe® expert KEGON. We would love to support your agile transformation! Get in touch with us here!
Hassle-free automations
- Automated reports for all SAFe levels
- PI Planning made easy with Program- & Breakout boards
- Easily manage ART issues with Program Roadmaps
- Create new Teams, ARTs, Solutions or Portfolios in seconds - configuration & boards provided out of the box
- Accurate SAFe® artifact hierarchy & transparency in every issue
- Dynamic navigation menu based on your enterprise levels
- Calculated fields for the WSJF
Seamless Integration
- Perfect integration in your Atlassian ecosystem - minimize your training costs!
- Pre-configured setup saves time
- Use fixVersions for your software versions!
- Use accurate SAFe® nomenclature on every level
- No impact on your existing Jira projects
- Monthly updates
This app offers additional security, reliability, and support through:
- Cloud security participation
- Reliability checks
- 24hr support response time
- and more.
Privacy and security
Privacy policy
Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.
Partner privacy policyResources
Drag and drop features from the ART Backlog directly into the digital Breakout Board.