Bitbucket Cloud for Slack (Official)

for Bitbucket Cloud
  • Supported
Free app

Get updates about your Bitbucket repositories and perform key Bitbucket actions directly from your channel

Smarter, by default

Reduce chat noise with default notification settings that are tailored to your Bitbucket usage patterns.

Take action directly from your chat

Send friendly nudges to teammates about missing approvals, merge or comment on pull requests, and more!

Inline code snippets

Share code examples, or indicate areas that need a particular change in context.

More details

With the Bitbucket Cloud bot for Slack, your team can get contextual information about your repositories when you need it. Unlike other apps that may cause noisy notifications, the Bitbucket bot is smarter, by default – it tailors your default notification settings by analyzing usage patterns in Bitbucket.

Our bot's chat notifications are more than just informative – you can perform key Bitbucket actions without ever leaving your Slack room.

Actions you can perform:

  • Create a pull request from a newly pushed branch
  • Re-run a failed build pipelines
  • Reply to a pull request comment
  • Send a friendly "nudge" to a teammate about an overdue pull request
  • Add any Slack message as a comment to a pull request

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is applicable to the use of this app.

Atlassian privacy policy

