Create Branch Wizard for Bitbucket
- Supported
Automatically configure Bitbucket branches created from Jira issues
Without this app: most recently used repo selected
When you create a branch from Jira, the most recently used repo is selected and not the one that belongs to the Jira project. This can lead to the situation where you create a branch in the wrong repo by mistake.
With this app: right repo and branch values filled
With this app, when you create a branch from Jira, the right repository and branch values are automatically entered for you. You can configure the branch type, branch from and branch name values based on the Jira issue.
Customizable branch names based on issue fields
Configure how your branches should be named based on a template with Jira variables like component, fixVersion, parent issue key & more, e.g. $component/$fixVersion/$issueType/$parentIssueKey/$issueKey-$issueSummary
More details
Helps you prevent mistakes, ensure consistency & save time when creating new branches in Bitbucket coming from the Jira development panel:
- Without the app, the most recently used repository is selected in the create branch dialog in Bitbucket. This app automatically selects the right repository by analyzing the commit messages for Jira issue keys (see BSERV-4139).
- This default behavior can be configured by specifying for which Jira project, components & issue types which repository & branch values (branch name, type, branch from) should be used (see BSERV-3920 and BSERV-11758).
- The app allows configuring how branch names should look like with templates and Jira variables like component, fixVersion, parent issue. Example: $component/$fixVersion/$issueType/$parentIssueKey/$issueKey-$issueSummary -> frontend/1.0.1/sub-task/PROJ-1/PROJ-11-fix-iso-date (see BSERV-8746).
- Supports Jira Server, Data Center & Cloud!
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