Compliance for Confluence

by AppFoxPlatinum Marketplace Partner
for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Server 7.12.0 - 8.9.0, Confluence Data Center 7.12.0 - 8.9.0 and more
440 installs
Cloud Security Participant
  • Supported


Version 5.9.0Confluence Data Center 7.12.0 - 8.9.0

Released: Apr 9th 2024


Compatibility Update and Bug Fixes


Updating to this version may take longer than normal due to a data migration. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support team.

Improved REST API for updating the scan scope, see our documentation for further details.

Compliance for Confluence is now compatible with Confluence 8.9.0.

Prevented pages from being missed in sensitive data scans due to changes in scan scope.

Fixed duplicate page scans if the latest sensitive data scan was cancelled partway through.

Tweaked built-in extractions to prevent erroneous detections.

Prevented Confluence’s “Copy space” feature from failing if certain features of the app were enabled.

Fixed deserialization error when fetching default space settings.