Velocity & Capacity Forecast Calculator

by Heckr
for Jira Cloud
48 installs
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Get team or assignee velocity from any JQL query. Also, new velocity metric based on past estimation accuracy. Better capacity

Calculate Team Velocity & Assignee Velocity

Analyze time data within Jira to predict team and individual velocity

Improved Velocity by Analyzing Estimation Accuracy

We analyze previous estimation accuracy and apply that to make a more accurate velocity metric

Valuable Stats for Project Forecasting

With more accurate velocity metrics you'll be able to better forecast project completion

More details

The calculator provides the following data points by assignee and in aggregate:

  • Time Logged: The total amount of time logged on all issues relating to your JQL query
  • Number of Days Logged: The total number of calendar days where individuals logged time.
  • Estimate Accuracy: The overall percentage that a JQL query was over or underestimated. 0% represents perfect estimation accuracy, a positive percentage represents overestimation, and a negative percentage represents underestimation.
  • Average Daily Velocity: This is the average number of hours logged per day within your JQL query. This number can be multiplied to come up with your sprint velocity.
  • Average Daily Estimated Velocity: This metric is extremely powerful for project forecasting. This is your Average Daily Velocity but with the Estimate Accuracy applied to it. This is useful when trying to accurately forecast a project's completion.

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Integration Details

Velocity & Capacity Forecast Calculator integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Write data to the host application
  • Read data from the host application