Page Branching for Confluence
- Supported
Work in parallel on multiple versions of your Confluence pages
Create, edit and merge page branches
Create a branch of any Confluence page and edit it while the original page stays untouched. Once you're done, simply merge it back into the original page.
Keep branches up-to-date with its original page
You'll see when the original page has been updated and can integrate the changes into your branch. Your changes to the branch will remain of course.
Restrict viewing, editing and creating branches
Branches can be restricted in order to keep new versions of your content secret. Even control who can create branches by restricting the branches parent page.
More details
Page Branching for Confluence allows you work on Confluence content in the background by creating branches. A branch is a copy of a page, that can be edited in parallel without affecting the original page.
You can even update the original page and integrated the changes into the branch, to ensure that the branch content is always up-to-date.
When the work is done in a branch, it can be merged back into the original page and the users will see the changes.
Page Branching for Confluence is great for working on documentation, specifications, guidelines, etc.
Additional features are:
- Attachment handling
- Branch restrictions
- Branch archiving
- Space admin configuration
- View page diff of branches
Find more information at our documentation.
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