Microsoft Teams for Jira Data Center

for Jira Data Center 9.0.0 - 9.17.2 and more
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  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira
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Jira Data Center integration for Microsoft Teams

Quick actions with Jira Data Center bot

Jira Data Center Bot lets you assign issue to yourself, log time, watch, add comments, create and modify Jira issues on the go. Jira Data Center Bot can be added to a team, and as well be your personal assistant.

Search, share or create new Jira Issues for team

With Jira Data Center messaging extension you can search and share issues with your team members or create new Jira issues.

Track team progress or personal tasks with tabs

Create tab for your team with most important issues using your saved Jira filters or applying basic filtering. With tabs you can sort, update and create new Jira issues in personal and team scope.

More details

Jira Data Center integration with Microsoft Teams includes bot, tabs, messaging extension and connector for updates notifications. With this integration you can:

  • Search, share, create new or modify existing issues - change priority, status, update summary or description
  • Perform quick actions: log time, watch, vote, add comment or assign issue to yourself
  • Create tabs with you team specific issues subset applying custom or your saved filters
  • Track issues assigned to you or reported by you in your personal app

Important: To use messaging extension, bot or tabs you’ll need to install Microsoft Teams for Jira Data Center add-on to your Jira (admin access required) and share the generated Jira ID with the team.

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Atlassian's privacy policy is applicable to the use of this app.

Atlassian privacy policy

