Snyk for Bitbucket Server


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Version 1.0.2Bitbucket Server 6.0.0 - 8.19.2, Jira Server 9.1.0 - 9.1.1

Released: Nov 5th 2019


Scan Bitbucket Server repositories early to find and fix vulnerabilities.


Project level security reports: Snyk produces advanced security reports, allowing you to explore the vulnerabilities found in your repositories, and fix them immediately by opening a fix pull request directly to your repository, with the required upgrades or patches.

Projects monitoring and automatic fix pull requests: Snyk frequently scans your projects on either a daily or a weekly basis. When new vulnerabilities are found, notifications are sent both by email and by opening an automated pull requests with fixes to repositories.

Pull request tests: Snyk tests any newly created pull request in your repositories for security vulnerabilities, and sends a build check to Bitbucket DC/Server. You can to see whether the pull request introduces new security issues, directly from Bitbucket DC/Server.

Required permissions scope for the Bitbucket DC/Server integration: Snyk performs all the operations in Bitbucket DC/Server on behalf of the integrated service account.