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Issue Link Filter for Jira

by it.Lab
for Jira Server 8.0.0 - 9.17.1, Jira Data Center 8.0.0 - 9.17.1 and more
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

Freely filter links between issues and fire missing Issue Linked Events

Ability to filter linked issues

Freely filter links between issues - e.g. link type "Budget" can only be linked between "Project" issue type and issues from "Budget" project in "Open" status.

Add Linked Issues on transition/edit screen

Add Link (Web Link, Confluence Link) or add Linked Issues on transition/edit screen fire event "Issue Link Created"

Create and Create Linked Issue

Create Issue and Crate Linked Issue action fire event "Issue Link Created"

More details

Please check documentation page Documentation and let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Issue Link Filter for Jira provide two functionality.

  • Ability to freely filter links between issues
  • Fire the custom events when someone created or deleted issue links

---- Link filter ----

Freely filter links between issues - e.g. link type "Budget" can only be linked between "Project" issue type and issues from "Budget" project in "Open" status.

---- Events ----

Issue Linked Event add two custom events into Jira.

  • Issue Link Created
  • Issue Link Deleted

Event Issue Link Created will be fired when you:

  • add new Link (Web, Confluence or Issue) (Issue -> More -> Link)
  • add Linked Issues on create, transition and edit issue screen
  • create new remote link using API

Event Issue Link Deleted will be fired when you:

  • delete any issue links
  • delete remote link using API

Go to configuration page and choose whether events will be fired:

  • only for current issue, or
  • current and linked issues

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