Extender for Confluence
- Supported
Extender adds new useful API Endpoints, Tokens and other extensions for administrators to better manage the application
You can use the API token instead of the password to authenticate the script or other process in the Confluence application
Global search through all system administration
“pp” … a shortcut that will change your approach to configuring. Search through all important administrative data such as administrative actions, spaces and users.
Source Editor
Edit the XHTML (storage format) of your page with an intuitive and powerful browser-based editor with a code highlighting and syntax verification, minimap, auto-complete, find/replace and many other features
More details
Extender for Confluence adds new useful endpoints, Tokens and many other extensions for administrators to better manage the application.
- Global search ("pp" shortcut)
- Source Editor
- Switch to a different user
- Tokens
- Notify Watchers
- and more
- Export / Import
- Change space key
- Get space groups or users with any permission
- Get all spaces and permissions for group or user
- Add user/group space permissions/ Remove user/group space permission
- Remove group permissions from space
- Change creator
- and more
- Get inherited permission for user or group
- Add user/group / Remove (user / group) permission
- Change creator
- and more
- Get all users
- Get user details
- Add/Delete user
- Change user name/details
- Activate/deactivate user
- Get/Set user property
- Set avatar for any user
- User Directories
- Get group users
- Get groups
- Add or Remove groups
- Add/Remove users to/from group
Privacy and security
Privacy policy
Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.
Partner privacy policyResources
REST API Tokens - You can use the API token instead of the password to authenticate the script or other process in the Jira application