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OBSS Jira Admin Tools

by OBSSPlatinum Marketplace Partner
for Jira Server 7.0.0 - 9.13.2 and more
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.

Utils to help see where Jira plugins, custom fields, schemes, users, functions, workflows are used in the system


Attention: OBSS Admin Tools currently only supports Jira Server platform. Atlassian is ending license sales of all server products and marketplace apps for the server platform. We currently don't have plans to migrate this app to Data Center or Cloud platforms. Existing users of this app are recommended to alter their processes that will allow them to continue without this app.


OBSS Jira Admin Tools Plugin contains 5 modules:

  • Workflow Summary
    • Shows all details of a selected workflow as a single page.
  • Function Controller
    • Shows condition, validation and post-function functions introduced by a selected plugin and in which workflow transitions they are used.
  • Custom Field Controller
    • Shows which custom fields are introduced by a selected plugin and on which screens those custom fields are used.
  • Log Viewer
    • Shows the last n lines from a selected jira log file in Jira interface.
  • User Controller
    • Shows in which groups and project roles a selected user takes place in.

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Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


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