Relativity-Hierarchical Issue Structures

by Accxia
for Jira Server 8.0.0 - 9.12.11 and more

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Professional Reporting and Decision Making, View Issue References and Dependencies at a Glance

Controlled environment

Ensuring end users are presented with the right choices, at the right time, to minimise user error when deciding on issues to link.

Implemented as custom fields.

JQL based in-page visibility of linked issues

Relativity for Jira linked issues are displayed in the View Issue screen through a highly configurable Web Panel.

Comprehensive administration interface

Administration interface simplifies the definition of issue relationship rules, issue rendering and dynamic selection options for end users.

More details

In oposite to Jira Issue Linking, users can only select from defined options based on comprehensive JQL queries, easily configured by the Jira Administrator.

  • Now compatible with Jira 8
  • For older Jira Versions use the previous App Version

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