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Plugin to create and interact with a Glossary in Confluence

Glossary Space Blueprint

The glossary space blueprint sets up a space to contain glossary terms. A glossary space can be linked to one or more regular spaces by sharing a common space category.

Highlight and Select Definition to see it

Highlighting a term, select the 'show definition' icon, and the definition will pop up.

Free Open Source Software

The source code for the plugin is publicly hosted on Bitbucket at

More details

Keysight has decided to publicly release the plugins developed in-house to support our instance of Confluence. The source code for the plugins is available under an Apache 2 license from

The glossary plugin is a very simple implementation. First, a glossary space is created from the Glossary Space Blueprint. What makes it a glossary are the top level pages A, B, C... and the space category "glossary". The glossary can then be linked to a space by having the two share a common space category (i.e. add the same space category to both the glossary space and linked space.) A use can then highlight a word or phrase in the space and select the definition icon. That will pop up the contents of the page with that title in the Glossary space, give the user the option to create the definition if it does not exist and they have permissions to do so or finally request that the admins of the Glossary space define the term.

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