Xray Connector for Bamboo

by XblendPlatinum Marketplace Partner
for Bamboo Server 7.0.1 - 8.2.9 and more
165 installs

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Automated Testing and Continuous Integration made easy with Xray and Bamboo

Import results and create Tests

Publish your automated test results from Cucumber, JUnit, Nunit, Behave, Selenium, Calabash, Robot and other. Creates manageable Test entities by uniquely identifying them from the results.

Cucumber awesomeness

Specify your Tests in Xray. Export your Cucumber Scenarios as feature files that can be run during Continuous Integration. In the end, import back the results and see how they affect your requirements in Jira.

Insights of your automated testing in Jira

Track your progress with Xray and see your automated results reflected on the requirements. Associate them to Test Plans and Test Environments and analyze all of them in detailed reports.

More details

Xray Connector for Bamboo provides the means for successful Continuous Integration by allowing users to report automated testing results and associate them with new or existing Tests, Test Executions, Test Plans and Test Environments.

  • Supports Cucumber workflow
  • Export Cucumber Feature files
  • Supports general workflow for automated testing
  • Supports all endpoints available in Xray for importing results, including Xray's JSON, Cucumber, Behave, JUnit,Nunit, Robot framework, Calabash, etc
  • Create Tests, or report results to existing ones, by uniquely identifying Tests from the results
  • Create Test Executions with all Tests and respective results
  • Define the Test Execution fields, such as "Summary" and other
  • Specify Project, Test Plan, Test Execution, Test Environment, Revision
  • Link Tests to requirements, directly from the results
  • Centralized settings for managing Jira servers details

Many tutorials for automated tests in Xray's documentation, under the Automation section.

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