Power JQL: Extended Search Functions

for Jira Server 8.13.0 - 9.6.0 and more
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

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Additional useful JQL functions to search for issues across Jira using the power of regular expressions

powerIssue in action

Task: find issues whose summary or description contain any of the listed words in a particular project.

Solution: issue in powerIssue("project=POWERJQL", "summary, description", "(?i).*(text1|text2).*")

powerComponent in action

Task: find all unresolved issues where any component contains words "mobile" or "dev".

Solution: component in powerComponent("resolution = EMPTY", "(?i).*(mobile|dev).*")

powerAttachment in action

Task: find all issues with the attachments in pdf format containing the word "android" in the title.

Solution: issue in powerAttachment(".*(?=android).*(?=pdf).*")

More details

JQL functions:

  • powerIssue([JQL subQuery, optional], field names, regex expression)
  • powerComponent([JQL subQuery, optional], regex expression)
  • powerAttachment([JQL subQuery, optional], regex expression)
  • powerProject(regex expression)


  • issue in powerIssue("project=POWERJQL", "summary, description", "(?i).*(text1|text2).*")
  • component in powerComponent("resolution=EMPTY", ".*(modile|dev).*")
  • project in powerProject(".*(Customer).*")
  • issue in powerAttachment(".*(?=android).*(?=pdf).*")

Leverage the power of pattern-based search across all Jira fields.

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powerProject in action Task: find all issues with the particular text in the title. Solution: project in powerProject(".*(Customer).*")