Great SQL (DB Connector)
We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.
Key highlights of the appSQL results from Databases | On-demand refreshing | Persistant Results | Simple configuration
IMPORTANT - Enable Confluence HTML Macros !
Magage apps ->list all-> search "html"
Enable: Confluence HTML Macros -> html (html-xhtml) & html(html)
Persistent results
Refresh on-demand
Results visible in the Confluence search
Context query
Great SQL in Macro Browser
Auto – executing query always when page is loading
On-demand – executing query when click the button (persistant results)
Great SQL Configuration Page
Up to 30 Database different database connections
(When using Informix in the Database field enter: databaseName|informixServer )
Supporting media
More details
Great SQL provides external database connections to fetch data and visualize SQL results on Confluence pages.
Supports database engines: Oracle, Oracle Pluggable, Microsoft SQL Server, MySql, Postgre, DB2, Derby, MongoDB, Sybase, Informix
Two refreshing modes:
- Auto – query is executed always when the page is loading
- On-demand – query is executed only when user click "refresh button". *In this mode table with results is save on the page and if database connection is not available the results will still visible.*In this mode results are visible from Confluence Search!
Contextual query - queries can be executed diffrently depending on Confluence Logged User.Use this expressions to enter contextuality:
- #Confluence_logged_user_name#
- #Confluence_logged_user_fullname#
- #Confluence_logged_user_email#
Sample query with contextuality:
"select * from salary where user_name = #Confluence_logged_user_name#"
Get the .jar file downloaded to your system
App documentation
Comprehensive set of documentation from the partner on how this app works
Get the End User License Agreement for this app
Privacy and Security
Privacy policy
Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.
Partner privacy policySecurity program
This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.
Version information
We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can still explore the earlier versions but these may not offer the necessary support.