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Last modified 2022-01-03 1240 downloads By CLEITO


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Log in with your Office 365 / Azure AD account

When you reach an Atlassian application's login page, enter your Office 365 / Azure AD username and password. Then you can navigate to other Atlassian applications without reentering credentials thanks to Crowd SSO.

Manage users and groups in Office 365 / Azure AD

No need to worry about identity provisioning! Unlike what you get with SAML-only solutions, the users and groups you see in Office 365 / Azure AD are instantly available for use in your Atlassian applications.

Configure the add-on in minutes

Add your Office 365 / Azure AD tenant to Crowd as if it were a standard LDAP directory. The add-on is easily configurable in Crowd's administration console and offers many options to best fit with your environment.

More details


  • Office 365 / Azure AD Authentication, User and Group Management for applications using Crowd (e.g. Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, Bitbucket, Fisheye, Crucible, Jenkins)
  • Support for Office 365 / Azure AD guest users
  • Support for Azure Germany
  • Option to retrieve only users who belong to specific Office 365 / Azure AD groups (e.g. Paris_Users, London_Users)
  • Option to retrieve only specific Office 365 / Azure AD groups (e.g. jira-software-users, confluence-users)
  • Option to retrieve common Office 365 / Azure AD user profile attributes (e.g. jobTitle, department, businessPhones) as Crowd custom attributes
  • And more.


  • Improved productivity and seamless user experience as users have one single account for both Office 365 and Atlassian applications
  • Improved security and identity administration as Atlassian users and groups are centrally managed in the Office 365 / Azure AD administration portal

Version history