Congrats for Confluence

for Confluence Server 7.1.0 - 8.8.1 and more
54 installs

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Congratulate your team members, friends and work colleagues on special occasions

Display upcoming events

Upcoming occasions can be displayed with the Congrats macro in a carousel. This carousel can be parameterized to show, for example, the birthdays for the next 3 days or the last week.

Send wishes and a personal note

Wishes will be sent as an email and shown in the Confluence workbox as a notification

Manage as many occasions as you like

The administrator can define date fields for the user profile and occasions, based on these fields. The time interval and how often they are displayed can be defined for each event.

More details

The Congrats app lets you celebrate a variety of occasions with your team members, friends, and work colleagues. Users can send wishes and a personal note for birthdays, work anniversaries and more. The Congrats carousel displays the events. This carousel can be parameterized to show, for example, the birthdays for the next three days or last week.

The administrator can add and manage as many occasions as needed. They can specify how often events occur and the relevant time intervals. These events are displayed, based on the personal profile data of each user.


  • lets Confluence users send personal wishes to each other
  • occasions are based on personal profile data
  • wishes will be sent as an email and shown in the Confluence workbox as a notification
  • Congrats macro offers a wide variety of parameters to customize the view
  • a complete REST API to import user profile data from external data sources

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy
