Plan Runners for Bamboo

for Bamboo Server 5.0 - 9.2.18 and more
28 installs

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Build, Deployment and Testing Plan Tasks

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Tasks to run builds, tests & deployments

Adds decision making tasks to run build plan, run integration tests and deployment tests from build plans as well as deployment plans.

Deployment plans can call any build plan with integration tests and decide status.

Tasks to deploy, promote, rollback, rerun releases

Create wrapper plan to create, deploy, promote, rollback or rerun releases. The tasks can make decisions to control the execution of deployment chain. Bamboo variables can be used and updated.

Provides REST API for deployments

Provides REST API to create releases, deploy releases, promote releases between environments or rollback releases.

More details

This add on adds task to:

Run build any plan from build & deployment plan

Run tests from build & deployment plan

Create releases from build plan

Promote releases between environments from build plan

Rollback releases from build plan

Rerun deployments from build plan

All tasks has input condition which can use Bamboo variables to determine whether to execute or skip the task.

All tasks updates the provided Bamboo variable with execution status.

The add on also provides REST API to perform all above tasks.

The add on enables deployment plans to use integration tests plans and can mark deployment pass or fail.

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