Notifications for Jira

for Jira Server 8.0.0.m0021-eap07 - 8.25.2 and more
17 installs
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

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Get notified of important issues

Receive texts or voice calls for important issues

Define when your issues enter a critical state and require immediate attention, and notify the involved people immediately via text or voice message

Send SMS or voice message as automation Rule

You can configure sending SMS messages or voice messages based on all triggers defined in Jira Service Desk automation rules.

Send SMS or voice message as a Post Function

You can send text or voice messages when the status of an issue changes via the Workflow Post Function.

More details

Send SMS Text or Voice messages on workflow transitions or Servicedesk Automation Triggers. Get notified on issues, the moment they become important!

You can also setup a dynamic phone redirection to redirect incoming phone calls on the Twilio number to the phone number of one of the Jira users.

This plugin uses Twilio to send the text messages.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy
