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Alkaes - Minyaa Time

for Jira Server 9.11.0 - 9.15.2 and more

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Extends Jira with Time tracking feature and powerful reports

Worklog Types

For a same Jira Issue, you may have different type of activities (Meeting, Analysis, Development, Tests, ...)

Allow you to qualify them using your own Worklog Types organised in Scheme per Project.

Log Work from Dashboard

Because you are working always recent Jira Issues, you may have to log work more quickly directly from the Dashboard.

Worklog Reports and Timesheet

Have a better view of your activities through different aggregation axis based on Issue or Worklog Attributes.

Discover Minyaa Reports : Workload Issue Type, Workload Report (Worklog Type), Workload Report (Project).

More details

Alkaes Minyaa Time introduces some features and concepts around Time Management ...

  • The ability to apply Type to entered Worklog
  • The delegation of Log Work
  • The ability to Log Work on Workflow Transition
  • The Log Work Gadget on Dashboard
  • Some Extended Work Log Permissions
  • Different Worklog Reports
  • The concept of Worker

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


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