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projectdoc Web API Extension

for Confluence Server 7.13.17 - 8.8.1, Confluence Data Center 7.13.17 - 8.9.6 and more
16 installs
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Access your document and space properties with a REST API

Space Properties

Access properties by spaces (including hierarchies of spaces) as a set or retrieve single values.

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Document Properties

Query documents, access documents with ID or single document properties.

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Media Types

Export properties from Confluence pages to Comma-separated values (CSV), JSON, XML, and Java Properties.

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More details

As a team collaboration platform Confluence is typically the information hub of a project. It is the entry point to all information, but not necessarily the source of truth for every piece of information. External information systems, like artifact repositories, continuous delivery servers, or source code repositories still exist and are the single source of truth for specific information or artifacts.

Teams may need to access information from several information systems. By providing REST APIs teams can access these systems and integrate their information into their processes and tasks.

Confluence and the projectdoc Toolbox makes it easy to define configurations and document them. With this extension the configurations are exposed for easy consumption via an REST API.

  • Access space properties (hierarchical organized spaces)
  • Access document properties and sections
  • Query properties from several documents

To use this extension the commercial projectdoc Toolbox is required to be installed!

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