We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.
Create graphs, Gantt charts, and many other diagrams from plain text using the Mermaid JavaScript library
Cloud & DC upgrade path
Successor to this add-on is here Mermaid Diagrams for Confluence. New add-on is compatible with Cloud and DC environments. Read more in our blog.
Sequence Diagrams
Create sequence diagrams with actors, synchronous and asynchronous flows, and notes
Gantt charts
Gantt charts with styling and grouping of tasks
More details
This add-on is being migrated to Cloud and DC. For more information, please check the official documentation page.
It will remain free and supported until it has reached EOL.
Mermaid is a JavaScript library by Knut Sveidqvist to turn plain text into graphs, diagrams, and charts. This Confluence macro plugin allows embedding graphs into pages easily.
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