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Eclipse BIRT for SQL+JQL (Discontinued)

Eclipse BIRT for SQL+JQL (Discontinued)


Marketplace Expert SL

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App Description

More details

BIRT reports are an alternative to write Jira plugins for reporting.

The major difference is that Jira plugins are intended for general purpose and BIRT is intended for reporting, so BIRT provides a convenient framework and specific elements to build HTML output.

This makes it easier to involve other less techy skills in report development to build appealing visual data output. BIRT developers have to know SQL instead of Java to read data.

The app provides a secure and reliable environment that isolates BIRT developers from critical parts allowing them to focus on reporting only and bringing peace of mind to Jira administrators that have full control over data and report access authorization.

BIRT reports can easily be independent of the Jira instance to be promoted along the stages (development, test, production) with no changes and with no user's credentials (passwords) increasing the overall releasing process security.

Version History