Macro usage

for Confluence Server 5.1 - 8.9.7, Confluence Data Center 6.1.0 - 9.0.3 and more
119 installs

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An easy way to determine what add-ons/macros are actually in use across Confluence instance

List macros usage by add-on

Show whether an add-on is being used or not in any spaces/pages across the entire wiki.

Light and Easy to use

Choose an add-on with an autocomplete that list all installed add-ons. It takes a few seconds when you search usage for only one.

Must have feature

There can be several add-ons installed, yet not necessarily used throughout the wiki.

More details

  • List macros usage by add-on

Show whether an add-on is being used or not in any spaces/pages across the entire wiki.

  • Light and Easy to use

Choose an add-on with an autocomplete that list all installed add-ons. It takes a few seconds when you search usage for only one.

  • Must have feature

There can be several add-ons installed, yet not necessarily used throughout the wiki.

  • Use case

It can be very useful when deciding continues using / paying for add-ons or when planning an upgrade.


The search macro will perform in the pages for which the user has at least 'View' permission.

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