Translation for Jira Service Management

for Jira Server 9.0.0 - 9.15.2, Jira Data Center 9.0.0 - 9.17.2 and more
443 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management

The ultimate tool for multilingual customer support in Jira Service Management

Multilingual customer portal

Add any number of languages supported by Jira to the switcher in the app’s global configuration. Develop your business internationally and support your clients on a global scale.

Key-value content translation

Translate dynamic and custom field values, even those containing HTML. Share them all across Jira to deal with common texts just once.

Language switcher on the Customer Portal

Enable users to easily switch to their mother tongue and boost the user experience of your Service Desk with a single button.

More details

Translation for Jira Service Management enables you to perform multilingual customer support by translating various components of your Jira Service Management. Store the translations in one place and easily translate dynamic field values by providing specific translations. Build your image as a company which provides the highest quality of support and customer experience by:

  • using easy project configuration to translate various elements within Customer Portal
  • making everything clear and understandable for foreign users.

Reach out to us at in case of any questions, or ask them on the Atlassian Community.

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Translate various elements on Customer Portal