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Dynamic Plans, DSL & Pipeline for Bamboo

works with Bamboo Server 9.0.0 - 9.2.22, Bamboo Data Center 9.2.5 - 9.6.11 and more



  • Partner Supported

Key highlights of the appgroovy scripted task management and calculated variables

Groovy Scripted Variables

script: if (repository_git_branch_0.equalsIgnoreCase("master")) return "true";

Conditioned scripted jobs

Dynamic Tasks De-Activation

Dynamic Tasks Switcher

Switch tasks on or off, you decide which

Supporting media

More details

Dynamic scripted variables:

  • any variable containing the following pattern will be calculated

    script: if (repository_git_branch_0.equalsIgnoreCase("master")) return "true";

Conditioned scripted jobs

Dynamic Tasks De-Activation

On each job you can enter a groovy that will be evaluated.

If return is "true" some tasks having a description matching a configurable regular expression will be disabled.

Dynamic Tasks Switcher

On each job you can enter a groovy that will be evaluated and should return a regular expression

Any task having a description matching this regular expression will be set accordingly to your request.

Eg: Assuming we have 2 tasks in our plan: master, feature

We can use the following groovy script that will return expressions to match the tasks based on which is the current branch.

if (repository_git_branch_0.equalsIgnoreCase("master")) return "master";

return "feature";

If in the settings we have placed Desired state as Enabled the plugin will enable each task


Privacy and Security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

Security program

This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Version information

Version 3.4.0for Bamboo Data Center 9.2.5 - 9.6.11

Release date
Mar 20th 2024
Initial Datacenter Compatible Release
Payment model
Paid via Atlassian