Replay for Jira

for Jira Server 7.0.0 - 8.14.0 and more

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Project on a timeline - visualise, animate and analyse your project's history on a Kanban board

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Animate history on a Kanban board

Timeline with playback controls allows to animate project history in real time with selected time compression, or jump to any place in the history. Easily inspect state of issues at any point in the history.

Follow individual issues

Follow an issue in time as it travels on Kanban board in context of other project or filter issues.

Analyse performance

Charts make it easier to navigate history and provide tools for analysis of performance of the teams: Cumulative Flow Diagram, Liquidity chart, Created / Resolved issues.

More details

With Jira Replay you can animate history of a project on a Kanban board, analyse historical changes to issues in a project, view charts and visualisations that provide better understanding of performance of the teams.

Some of the features of Jira Replay include:

  • Animation of history of the project (or issues from any Jira filter) over time. Issues are animated on Kanban board.
  • Video player style playback controls to go forward and backward in time.
  • Columns in the board can be customised per project (e.g. group several Jira statuses in one column to analyse Development phase vs. Testing phase).
  • Charts:
    • Liquidity (number of changes to issues in time)
    • Created / Resolved issues
    • Cumulative Flow Diagram

Jira Replay is an invaluable tool for Scrum Masters or Project Managers of any Agile team.

Even though it visualises issues in a manner similar to Jira Agile, it does not require Jira Agile to work.

Note: This plugin doesn't affect Jira performance or modify Jira's database schema.

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Issues with progress bars showing time remaining in this column at selected time. You can navigate in time quickly by clicking anywhere on the chart.