Added licensing and pricing model
To check known issues (or if you want to file one), view this app's issue tracker.
To learn more about the app, you should:
- Read the documentation.
This is a supported app, so you may contact the vendor (or support contact) for help:
More details
Recurring Tasks Manager consists of 3 x screens:-
1. Create a Recurring Task:-
- This screen enables you to enter a short 150 character recurring task
- Set the start date for the recurring task
- Set the completion date of the recurring task
- Set the frequency for repeating the reminder email
- Enter the name & email address of the person who created the recurring task
- Enter the email addresses or groups who will receive the recurring task reminder
- The Send button sends the first recurring task email to the nominated recipients
2. Recurring Task Schedule:-
The recurring task schedule lists all active recurring tasks, including:-
- the recurring task message
- the name of the person who created the recurring task
- the name(s)of the recipients of the recurring task email
- the frequency of the recurring task email
- and the status of the recurring task email
3. Recurring Task Reminder Email:-
There are 2 x optional actions for each recurring task email
- Edit - the task email
- Delete - the task email
Version history
1.9.0Jira Server 8.0.0 - 8.19.12021-11-028.19.1 Compatiability 1.8.0Jira Server 7.6.0 - 8.19.12018-09-01Upgraded JIRA compatibility. 1.7.1Jira Server 7.0.10 - 7.5.42019-01-29Increased compatibility for older JIRA versions. Adjusted version with multiple improvements and bugfixes to support older JIRA versions.
1.7Jira Server 7.1.7 - 7.5.42017-03-05Bug fixes Fixed email sending for local email addresses.
1.6Jira Server 7.1.7 - 7.3.92017-01-28Added support for attachments and custom fields with renderers. Now you are able to select for your post function whether to include attachment added to the issue during transition or all attachments from the issue. Default option is still not to include attachments in the email.
Added possibility to display field with text renderers correctly in the email.
Also fixed cloning functionality for the email template manager page.
1.5Jira Server 6.4 - 7.2.152016-10-20Compatibility and bugfix release Updated compatibility for latest Jira version.
Changed post-function to use project's e-mail address as e-mails sender address as default.
1.4Jira Server 6.4 - 7.2.152016-05-25Updated compatibility up to Jira 7.2.2 version Added email preview functionality.
Updated compatibility for Jira 7.2.2.
1.3Jira Server 6.4 - 7.0.112015-11-08Updated compatibility up to Jira 7.0.0 version. No release notes.1.2Jira Server 6.2 - 6.4.142015-09-14Added new feature, verified compatibility up to Jira 6.4.11. No release notes.1.1Jira Server 6.2 - 6.4.142015-05-19Verified for Jira versions 6.2 - 6.4.4. No release notes.1.0Jira Server 6.2 - 6.2.72015-02-25Initial release Version 1.0 • Released 2015-02-25 • No Vendor Support • Free • CommercialIncludes basic functionality, template manager and basic template editor.
Currently still lacks proper editor, so it is easier to edit the template in your favorite Velocity template editor and copy/paste the result in the edit field.
Build-in velocity function documentation on its way.