Recurring Tasks Manager for Jira
by tilda
for Jira Server 8.0.0 - 8.19.1, Jira Data Center 8.0.0 - 9.17.2 and more
87 installs
- Supported
- Jira Service Management
- Jira
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Need a better way to schedule and create follow-up emails of recurring tasks, all within Jira? Here's the simple answer & it works
Recurring Tasks Manager consists of 3 x screens:-
1. Create a Recurring Task:-
- This screen enables you to enter a short 150 character recurring task
- Set the start date for the recurring task
- Set the completion date of the recurring task
- Set the frequency for repeating the reminder email
- Enter the name & email address of the person who created the recurring task
- Enter the email addresses or groups who will receive the recurring task reminder
- The Send button sends the first recurring task email to the nominated recipients
2. Recurring Task Schedule:-
The recurring task schedule lists all active recurring tasks, including:-
- the recurring task message
- the name of the person who created the recurring task
- the name(s)of the recipients of the recurring task email
- the frequency of the recurring task email
- and the status of the recurring task email
3. Recurring Task Reminder Email:-
There are 2 x optional actions for each recurring task email
- Edit - the task email
- Delete - the task email
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