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App Description

Multi-dimensional view of your data

Display data from any point of view. Create a multi-dimensional table by combining different dimensions and aggregations. Use this reporting tool to summarize information and structure your extensive amount of issuedata.

Aggregate any information, including time

This gadget aggregates and calculates different datatypes, including time. Compare estimations against the recorded time spent in any dimension. Total time spent by issue type and project becomes easier to track

Drill down to acces your underlying data

The drill down function gives you a quick and detailed view of the information behind the issue. To get more specifics of your subset, simply click on the values presented in the pivot table.

More details

Note: Pivot Gadget will be not available anymore from Feb 15 onwards.

The Pivot Gadget provides similar functionality as found in spreadsheet and business intelligence software.

It is useful for quickly creating cross tabulations across a long list of dimensions and aggregations. Total time spent by issue type and project is now a couple of clicks away.

Supported dimensions:

  • Basic issue fields (priority, project, date created, ...)
  • Custom fields
  • Parent issue to group by subtask
  • Epic links

Some supported aggregations:

  • Count of issues
  • Average, maximum, minimum
  • Time tracking aggregations - original estimate, remaining estimate, time spent on work log level
  • Time tracking aggregations on subtask level or accumulated (parent and subtask)
  • For each number custom field - count and summation

Export to excel supported

Version History

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