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Last modified 2020-11-12 3679 downloads By knowmad mood


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Choose which roles, groups, projects or issue types can use the PageMe! button to create Confluence pages from issues.

Create a page anywhere

Select the target Confluence space, the parent for the new page, or update an already existing one. All at creation time.

Include all the information

PageMe! allows you to take all the relevant information to the new Confluence page, including issue field values, comments, attachments, subtasks, etc. Don't leave anything undocumented at Confluence

More details

PageMe! creates or updates Confluence pages directly from Jira issues, exporting all the issue information you want to include: custom fields, attachments, comments, subtasks, etc.The integration works smoothly and doesn't require you to configure anything but the confluence connection data.

  • Create new Confluence pages from a Jira issue
  • Update existing pages with issue information
  • Export issue fields
  • Include issue attachments & comments (NEW)
  • Choose where to store the new page: space and parent page
  • Include sub-tasks details in the main page or as children pages
  • Synchronize watchers and labels

Version history