Include Code Quality for Bitbucket

for Bitbucket Server 7.0.0 - 9.1.1, Bitbucket Data Center 7.0.0 - 9.1.1 and more
1,028 installs
  • Supported

SonarQube™ integration for Bitbucket. Shows Metrics, Test Coverage, Code & Security Issues in PRs -> formerly Sonar™ for Bitbucket

Assign, Resolve, Edit Issues

Offers shortcuts for most used actions on issues directly in the PR view.

Act on issues, like setting them to "false positives", assigning them to another team member, or commenting on them while reviewing.

Deep Integration of Scan Results into Bitbucket

Showing quality gate status in branch and PR lists.

Project statistics on first glance in repository overview.

Actionable Source code annotations with issues in all source views.

PR support for all editions incl. Community

See all relevant analysis results in your pull requests in Bitbucket.

Merge checks for failed quality gates for all SonarQube™ editions incl. Community.

More details

Includes the results from Sonar™ analyses triggered by your CI builds inside the corresponding branches and pull requests in Bitbucket.

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  • Code issues, uncovered & duplicate code lines in pull request and source view
  • Act on detected issues directly in pull requests
  • Quality gate status in all branch and pull request lists
  • Merge checks to enforce quality requirements
  • SonarQube™ compatibility:
    • v7.7 or newer
    • Community, Commercial editions and SonarCloud™ support

🗣️ Why choose this app?

“I definitively recommend this plugin, it's really filling the gap perfectly between bitbucket and sonarqube™. A must have!” Lucas O. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The merge check based on SonarQube™ quality gates can prevent merging pull requests which violate the configured quality thresholds.