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This is a supported app, so you may contact the partner (or support contact) for help:
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To learn more about the app, you should:
Read the documentation.
App Description
Add Watchers for a Project
Add watchers for a project. Watchers can be for all issues or a subset by specifying a JQL query
Add Watcher
Add watcher(s) and optionally send an email to notify users that they have been added. This applies to both issue and project watchers.
Remove Watcher
Remove watcher(s) and optionally send an email to notify users that they have been removed. This applies to both issue and project watchers.
More details
IMPORTANT: This app will stop being supported when Jira Server is no longer supported and will NOT be available for Jira 9. We have another app, Watch It, that provides project watching (plus other great features) that is available on Data Center and Cloud.
Notify Watcher allows you to watch projects (rather than Issues) and to add email support for notify users when they are added or removed as watchers. There is also an invite feature to notify users, by email, of Jira issues they may be interested in
Features include:
- Add project watcher(s) to watch all or a subset of issues in a project
- Reduce project issues watched using JQL and selecting which events to monitor
- Send personalised emails when:1. Adding / removing watchers to an Issue. 2. Adding / removing watchers for a project3. Sending an invite to notify user(s) of an Issue that may be of interest to them
Version History
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