Zephyr Blueprints for Confluence

for Confluence Server 6.12.0 - 7.4.18 and more
42 installs

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Track and report on your testing in Confluence: Get real-time testing metrics from Zephyr for Jira

Create Testing Dashboards and Integrate Metrics

Using the Dashboard Blueprint, create and maintain testing dashboards to update project teams and management on quality status. Integrate appropriate test metrics, annotate and publish status.

Integrate with Zephyr for Jira

Bring in your testing metrics from Zephyr for Jira and insert them into testing dashboard blueprints. Customizable macros also let you insert these metrics into any Confluence page.

Create Test Plans, Test Activities and Schedules

Using Zephyr Blueprints, build consistent Test Plans, track all your testing activities and test schedules and keep focused on the testing requirements for your software projects.

More details

Zephyr Blueprints for Confluence is an add-on application that allows the creation of testing dashboards with integrated test metrics from Zephyr Squad (formerly Zephyr for Jira). It also provides rich blueprints to easily create, manage and standardize testing related documentation.

Major features include:

  • Creation of test dashboards that can be customized
  • Integration of metrics from Zephyr Squad
  • Blueprint to create and track Testing Activities
  • Blueprint to create Test Plans, track requirements and test schedules

Note that if metrics from Zephyr Squad need to be integrated.

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Create and track Test Activties