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Simply Watches

for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Server 8.0.0 - 8.2.3 and more
  • Supported

Stop watching all pages, bulks of pages or space with a single click

Instantly remove watches in Confluence

Simply Watches Cloud can remove all user's watches, watches of pages that haven't been modified for more than 60+ days, watches labels or all watches of pages within a certain space.

Stop watching all pages or Spaces in Confluence

Simply Watches Cloud offers a list of spaces in which you are/the user is watching pages, together with the number of the watched pages. You can easily cancel all the watches you have within a particular space.

Easily manage watches for your users

Simply Watches Cloud is accessible to every user from a specific section but also enables the admin to manage watches for users. Select a user and manage his/her watches like the user would.

More details

Here we are with our first release of Simply Watches Cloud!

This app will enable the user to instantly stop watching pages and remove unwanted notifications.

In Confluence you can only stop watching one page at a time from the Watches tab within the user profile area; but this can be a problem, especially with great numbers of watches.

Simply Watches Cloud, with a dedicated interface, gives you the power to view a stop instantly watching a set of :

  • all watched spaces
  • all of the watched pages
  • all of the watched pages in a certain space
  • all of the watched pages that have not been modified (have not changed) for more than 60 days
  • all of the pages with a certain label
  • In the same interface, the confluence administrator can easily manage in the same way watches of all the users of Confluence.

Get started with Simply Watches today!

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Simply Watches integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • View Confluence settings, themes and system information.
  • View details regarding content and its associated properties.
  • View details about groups including its members.
  • View the profile details for the currently logged-in user.

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