Threaded Comments for Jira

by Votazz
for Jira Cloud, Jira Server 8.0.0 - 9.9.2, Jira Data Center 8.0.0 - 9.15.1 and more
721 installs
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira Software

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.

Amazingly simple and smart threaded & nested comments. Give teams quick context. Stop losing track of which replies go together

Stay on point

Avoid confusion and stay on top of relevant discussions effortlessly with Threaded Comments for Jira. Let teammates respond directly to comments. Keep conversations organized and crystal-clear.

Simplified Thread Management

Expand and collapse threads with one click. Eliminate lengthy scrolling and find the comments that matter faster.

Level up your conversations

Spark discussions, react with thumbs up/down, foster collaboration. Great for large teams or complex conversation environments like approvals and swarming teams.

More details

Jira comments can quickly get out of sync and feel “out of order.”

Give Jira users threaded comments like they have in Slack and MS Teams.

Streamline Jira communication with threaded comments. Ensure clarity in responses and seamless @mentioning.

Dive into multi-level threads for an organized and efficient collaboration experience.

When to use Threaded Comments:

  • Situations with multiple issues/themes mentioned on a Jira ticket at once
  • Dealing with multiple time zones; easily separating conversations for reactions and comments
  • JSM tickets with multiple issues handled in one queue ticket
  • When a clear conversation record is required, e.g., code approval.

Recent 4-star review: “Great app! Very easy to use and support is very responsive!”

Works with:

  • Jira Software
  • Jira Service Management

Start your FREE 30-day Trial today.

Need to access Jira Home Directory, Database, Log Browser? Try Home Directory, Database & Log Browser for Jira

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Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

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Threaded comments for Jira just like your teams have in Slack and MS Teams. The fastest way for teams to swarm on issues without making a mess of the comments.