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Acrolinx Connector for Confluence

for Confluence Server 8.5.0 - 8.5.12 and more

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Speak with one voice – integrate Acrolinx to enable Confluence authors to check grammar, terminology, voice, and style at scale

Guidance for authors inside the Confluence editor

Acrolinx Connector checks Confluence content for terminology, spelling, grammar, or style errors. Use the Acrolinx Sidebar to review suggestions side-by-side with content, then implement them with a single click.

Content quality indicator and scorecard

Each Confluence page has a score that indicates its content quality, and a scorecard that reports the details of the language analysis – terminology, spelling, grammar, style, and more.

Quality metrics with Acrolinx status dashboard

The Acrolinx status dashboard displays the Acrolinx score of all pages within a space at a glance. With one click, you can open each page's Acrolinx scorecard – displaying a detailed language analysis.

More details

Acrolinx Connector helps Confluence authors speak with one voice, at scale, throughout an organization.

Check compliance with any writing rule and terminology set of a connected Acrolinx server within the Confluence editor. Each Confluence page displays a content quality score that reflects conformity with your corporate language and style. The app's dashboard provides detailed quality metrics of Confluence pages.

Key Benefits:

  • Guidance for authors inside the Confluence editor to improve content quality
  • Analysis of page content quality with scorecards
  • Quality overview at a glance with Acrolinx dashboard
  • Acrolinx Sidebar shows review suggestions side by side with content

Learn more benefits of Scroll Acrolinx Connector

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