Enterprise Email Queue for Jira (EMQ) #EOL

for Jira Server 8.0.0 - 8.22.6 and more
31 installs
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.

Organise your notifications with Enterprise Mail Queue - EMQ

Condense multiple notification emails into one

Jira creates a lot of email. Sometimes that can get a bit overwhelming. EMQ reduces multiple notifications into easy-to-read Digests. Also, notifications become persistent (survive crash/migration etc).

Enable Jira to use multiple outbound SMTP servers

A single outbound mail connection can pose challenges with internal vs external users. Using separate mail connections simplifies reply-to issues, and spreads the outbound delivery load.

Users can exclude important stuff from digesting

Important notifications may still need immediate delivery. Exclusions to digesting can be configured through user editable JQL queries, based on priority and project.

More details




EMQ is being sunset with Jira 8. No updates will be made for Jira 9.

Existing customers will be supported for the duration of their license in Jira 8


  • Condense email notifications into a series of digested items
  • Inline image support for issuetypes, priorities, avatars and optionally images rendered via wiki markup in issues (e.g. via JEMH).
  • Attachment support, optionally include any attachments in the email
  • Users have control to opt-out of digesting, or to enable/disable through custom JQL expressions managed through their Profile
  • API support will be there for third party add-ons to write pre-rendered email notifications that should be included in the digest (e.g. email only user notifications from JEMH)

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy



Find out WHO *got sent* WHAT, WHEN with Sent Mail History, referring the issue key and recipient, and whether the mail was SENT successfully or not.