Utility Belt for Bamboo

for Bamboo Server 7.1.1 - 9.2.13, Bamboo Data Center 9.3.0 - 9.5.3 and more
13 installs

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.


Version 2.0.3Bamboo Server 7.1.1 - 9.2.13

Released: Feb 23rd 2022


Hot fix release


The 2.0.3 hot fix release includes the following bug fix(es) and feature(s):

  • Utility Belt fails to load on Elastic Agents after upgrading to Bamboo 8+, causing builds to break

We recommend all customers using Utility Belt in combination with Elastic Agents as soon as possible to ensure build operations.