Friends don't let friends view issues alone
Access a real-time list of who's viewing an issue
Who's Looking displays a list of all other Jira users that currently have that issue open in their browser. This way, you know who's paying attention before you start to comment.
Viewer list automatically refreshes
Who's Looking doesn't require a page refresh – it updates on the fly as users open and close an issue.
Loads instantly
Who's Looking runs remotely on Forge, and loads data quickly and automatically.
More details
Who's Looking for Jira Cloud shows you who else is currently looking at a Jira issue. It is an Atlassian Connect add-on for use with Jira Cloud. It is in use internally at Atlassian, and now generally available for all.
Privacy and security
Privacy policy
Atlassian's privacy policy is applicable to the use of this app.
Atlassian privacy policyResources
Integration Details
Who's Looking for Jira Cloud integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:
- View user information in Jira that the user has access to, including usernames, email addresses, and avatars.
- Read Jira project and issue data, search for issues, and objects associated with issues like attachments and worklogs.
- View the profile details for the currently logged-in user.
- Read and write to app storage service
Loads fast and reloads instantly, no need for page refreshes