Issue History Collector - See History

for Jira Cloud, Jira Server 8.0.0 - 9.13.1, Jira Data Center 8.0.0 - 9.13.1 and more
964 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management

Jira ticket tracking & monitoring, bug tracking, export ticket history, project statistics, see history of issues

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Monitor issue duration in real time

Leverage tabs with real time statistics by assignees and statuses and easily track how long the issue was in a certain status and who was working on it the most.

View total time in the specified status

Calculated custom field shows how long an issue has been in a particular status. You can also opt to highlight the time if it exceeds a specified threshold (SLA management).

Set up custom calendars for your teams

Now, teams can use custom calendars to count their productive hours only without having to move the ticket to On hold or make any other changes in their workflow thus ensuring correct data for their SLAs.

More details

Issue History Collector enables you to view issues duration by assignees and / or statuses.

Key features

  • Ticket statistics for the specified statuses and broken down by each assignee
  • Calculated custom field to view ticket duration for the specified statuses
  • Real time indication when an SLA threshold was breached
  • Custom time zone, working hours, and holidays to ensure only productive time is accounted for and there's no confusion across the globe
  • Custom setup for each separate team
  • Project reports to monitor issue progress

Main use cases

  • Monitor in which statuses the ticket is sitting the longest
  • Track who spends the most time on the ticket
  • Ensure correct data by tracking working time only
  • Enforce better SLAs with customizable SLA thresholds
  • Report on ticket statistics by assignees and statuses

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  • Cloud security participation
  • Reliability checks
  • 24hr support response time
  • and more.

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User/Status Statistics