Auto Unapprove for Bitbucket Data Center

for Bitbucket Server 8.13.0 - 8.19.6, Bitbucket Data Center 9.0.0 and more
  • Supported
Free app

Unapprove pull requests automatically when they change

Require reapproval of Pull Requests after changes

Removes approvals from all reviewers when the pull request diff changes.

Ensure rework is properly addressed

Unapproving forces reviewers to return to the pull request and re-approve it, indicating they have verified the new changes.

Configure for a repository, project or instance

Can be configured at the repository-level, project-level or instance-level. Individual projects and repositories will automatically inherit from the level above, but can override the setting if needed

More details

Don't let important code changes escape review!

This plugin adds an option in the repository settings that automatically removes approvals from reviewers when the source branch of a pull request is updated or the target branch is changed.

The option is configurable at the repository, project and global levels, with repositories and projects able to choose whether to manually configure the setting, or whether to inherit it from the level above.

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Atlassian's privacy policy is applicable to the use of this app.

Atlassian privacy policy



A reviewers approval is removed automatically after the author pushes some changes