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App Description
Manage multiple XSLT Templates
Create, update, delete named XSLT templates in the Confluence administration area.
There you can also find the link to perform transformations with the given template.
Transform on a Confluence Page by URL call
Perform XSL transformations on the storage format of a specific Confluence page calling a designated URL.
The template is used to transform the page's storage format to a target format of your choice.
Secured actions, permission checks are applied to the actions.
More details
XSLT Processor Plugin for Confluence
The XSLT Processor Plugin for Confluence allows to transform the storage format of a Confluence page using XSLT templates.
- Create, update, delete named XSLT templates in the administration area
- Perform an XSL transformation on the storage format of a specific Confluence page calling a designated URL
- Secured actions, permission checks are applied to the actions
- Go to the Confluence administration area -> Administration -> Manage XSLT Templates to create new templates.
- When you've created a new template it is displayed in the list of all available templates. There you can find the URL where the only parameter you need to adjust is the page id from the Confluence page that you want to transform.
- Such an URL might look like this one: http://localhost:1990/confluence/plugins/servlet/xslt-transform?tpl=88e941f0-6426-4e02-ac48-d14d69ba784e&pageId=INSERT-ID
- Now you need to find out the page URL and replace INSERT-ID with your page's id.
Version History
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