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Advanced Password Policy for Jira

works with Jira Server 10.0.0 - 10.3.2, Jira Data Center 10.0.0 - 10.4.0 and more


We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.

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Key highlights of the appEnrich Jira Password Policy with customizable security settings for ultimate protection tailored to your needs

Extensive password complexity requirements

Impose diverse custom rules for password creation to safeguard your Jira against password interception. You can choose from an array of properties, including complexity, length, similarity to previous passwords, and age.

Various user locking options

To guard access to your sensitive data, set tailored conditions for locking user accounts. Select from various options, like locking after a number of failed logins, password expiration, inactivity or a selected date.

Jira Service Management security rules

For even further security assessment, enable the app to function also on the Customer Portal for your internal customers. Display notifications and validation checklists on login and change password screens.

Supporting media

More details

Advanced Password Policy extends Jira's basic password policy to best suit your practical security needs.

Advanced Password Policy for Jira lets you:

  • enforce password history to ensure a new password cannot be the same as the set number of previous passwords.
  • guard access to your work by locking users after a number of failed logins, password expiration, period of inactivity, or a selected date.
  • protect user accounts by enforcing periodical password change, making it harder to intercept passwords.
  • set and customize password expiration and account locking notifications to keep users informed in a friendly way.
  • set rules for password complexity to make sure passwords can't be easily guessed.

Advanced Password Policy is also available for Confluence. Find it here.

To further enhance your Jira experience, check out:


Privacy and Security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

Security program

This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Version information

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can still explore the earlier versions but these may not offer the necessary support.

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