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App Description

Prepare re-usable, issue-based email templates

You can define a set of custom email templates for your project team to re-use to keep email communication consistent and professional. Templates are fully-customizable and can also embed actual issue details.

Send manually from the issue screen or automate

Emails can be sent "by hand" from the issue view screen or automatically based on issue transition. You can either use a previously defined template or create the message from scratch.

Fully traceable email history

Each and every email sent with Email Task is saved and can be accessed from the issue activity screen, just like issue comments, so that you're always up to speed with the communication happening.

More details

The main idea behind Email Task is to allow you to turn any Jira issue into the email you want.

You start with preparing your own email templates, where you can:

  • define email body with a user-friendly HTML editor
  • set default recipients (i.e. assignee)
  • embed actual issue details (i.e. due date)

With the templates set up, you can then send out the emails, either "by hand" from the issue screen or along with an issue transition thanks to workflow post function support. All mail messages sent by Email Task are recorder for future traceability.

Having this simple-yet-powerful functionality enables you to cover a number of use cases, such as:

  • communicating with your customers using consistent email messages
  • keeping email communication next to actual Jira issue for better traceability
  • sending automated, custom-tailored email notifications to any user involved on issue transition
  • and many more!

Want to know more? Refer to documentation or contact us!

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