BDD Insights for Bamboo

for Bamboo Server 5.10.0 - 6.10.6 and more
41 installs

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Collect, process and visualize Cucumber BDD test reports

Cucumber results summary

Get a quick overview of your Cucumber results and see basic statistics about the scenarios executed

Supports Cucumber-JVM

Record and analyse Features and Scenarios from Cucumber-JVM JSON reports to create Living Documentation

Advanced Cucumber features

Includes support for DocStrings, Data tables and Stack traces with full drill down support for power users

More details

BDD Insights add-on allows Bamboo to collect and process test result reports from Cucumber JVM, the popular Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) and Automated Testing tool. It displays the Cucumber results in a human friendly and readable form with the ability to drill down into errors and test failures.

If you are interested in Cucumber and use Jira, you might want to checkout Behave Pro for Jira

Hang on, wasn’t this plugin free?

We wrote "Cucumber reports for Bamboo" 4 years ago and made it available on the Atlassian Marketplace free of charge. That version is now long in the tooth and had issues with its long-term health.

We've completely rewritten the add-on, changed the name and have taken the decision to charge for the new version. Existing users of the original free "Cucumber reports for Bamboo" plugin are being grandfathered with a free license using this promo code

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